U-SmART : Small Robotic Telescopes for Universities


A group of universities have come together with the aim of designing and developing Small Aperture Robotic Telescopes (SmART) for use by students to observe variable stars and transient follow-ups. The group is deliberating on the components of the robotic system; e.g. the telescope, the mount, the back-end camera, control software, and their integration keeping in mind the scientific objectives. The prototype might then be replicated by all the participating universities to provide round the clock observations from sites spread evenly in longitude across the globe. Progress made so far is reported in this paper.

In Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society, vol. 30, issue 2, pp. 683-685
Andreas Schrimpf
Andreas Schrimpf
Professor of Astronomy

My recent research interests include stellar astrophysics, history of astronomy and modern statistical analysis.